Name: __________________________________________ Date: ________________ Class: ____________
Twelfth Night
Major Themes Writing Assignment

- Use “Major Themes” notes to help with writing your essay.
- Correct essay format:
- Typed, 12 size font
- Times New Roman
- Double-spaced
- Essay must include proper MLA heading in TOP LEFT CORNER:
- Name
- English Teacher
- Class (ex. English 1 D Block)
- Date essay is due
- Title is centered after heading - IS NOT bolded, italicized, underlined; size 12, Times New Roman
- Must use at least 2 direct quotes from the play
- Can always use more than 2
- Must be properly formatted and cited in the text:
- Ex. When Viola is washed up on the shores of Illyria, she says, “What country, friends, is this?” (1.2.1)
- If you’re quoting multiple speakers, format in the following way:
- Maria and Toby often disagree about Toby’s drinking habits. In Act 2, they have the following debate:
SIR TOBY: What a plague means my niece to take the death of her brother thus? I am sure care’s an enemy to life.
MARIA: By my troth, Sir Toby, you must come in earlier o’nights. Your cousin, my lady, takes great exceptions to your ill hours.
SIR TOBY: Why, let her except, before excepted. (1.3.1-5)
- ALL QUOTES MUST BE EXPLAINED. How do they help to support your claim?
- Proofread essay
- NO PERSONAL PRONOUNS (I, me, we, my, mine, our(s), you, yours, you’re, us, yourself, myself, ourselves).
- Avoid announcing (“This quote shows that…” or “This essay will be about…)
- Check for spelling, grammatical, and conventional (sentence structure) errors.
- Upload final essay to MyW on or before the due date.
Major Theme Essay Outline:
-Use the following outline to help in organizing your essay.
- Introduction Paragraph
- Include which theme to be focused on and explain what it means
- Thesis statement = how does that theme add both a sense of comedy AND drama to the play?
- Be vague - don’t want to over explain in the introduction, this leads to repetitiveness.
- Body Paragraph #1 - Comedy
- Topic sentence - how does the theme add to the comedy of the play?
- Evidence - include a quote from the play to support your claim
- Must lead into quote and cite it
- Explanation - how does that quote help to support your claim?
- Transition sentence - introduce the next idea, but don’t be too specific
- Ex. “Additionally, the theme of appearance versus reality adds to the drama of the play.”
- Body Paragraph #2 - Drama
- Topic sentence - how does the theme add to the drama of the play?
- Evidence - include a quote from the play to support your claim
- Must lead into quote and cite it
- Explanation - how does that quote help to support your claim?
- Conclusion Paragraph
- Restate your 2 claims (“In conclusion…”)
- So what? Leave the reader with something to think about, make a connection to today’s world or another topic, etc.